595 W Hartsdale Ave, White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 428-6452
Join us for this year’s New York City Labor Day Parade

Save the date for the 2024 New York City Labor Day Parade! This year’s parade will take place on Saturday, September 7 in Manhattan. CSEA will assemble on West 47th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues. Our contingent will kick off marching at 1 p.m.
T-shirts will be available for participants and light refreshments will be provided. More info will be provided as we get closer to the parade date.
114th Annual Delegates Meeting October 7-11th, New York City

Registration for Delegates for our union’s 114th Annual Delegates Meeting in New York City is now live!
If you unsure if you should be attending, please check with your Local President before registering.
For registration materials, hotel and conference registration links, visit https://cseany.org/ADM.
Fix Tier 6 – Unit 9200 Involvement

“Pushing to Fix Tier 6” – CSEA Workforce April 2024“Taking part in the Port Chester Teachers Association Rally” (click-thru for full article)
Improving pensions will improve Staffing & Retirement Benefits CSEA Statewide President, Mary Sullivan thanks the thousands of members who have already sent emails to their legislators urging them to fix Tier 6. We need all union members to get involved and take action! In the week ahead, I’m asking you to please call your legislators at (844) 956-2891. Tell them if they want to make public sector employment more attractive, it’s time to Fix Tier 6! To send an email, if you haven’t already, go to https://cseany.org/fixtier6. |